If you are the person who is suffering from the hair loss problem for any reason other than PRP is the treatment which is globally used as a hair growth treatment. The PRP treatment consists of three steps which are
Step 1
You blood will be drawn from your body
Step 2
The blood will be processed which is also called as it is centrifuge in that process the blood will break into components (Platelet-poor plasm, red blood cells, platelet-rich plasma). The platelet with rich plasma is the component that is used as the PRP injections because it is the component that has more platelet as compared to any other.
Step 3
After the process of PRP injections they will inject at specific areas.
· The PRP treatment is also used clinically for healing processes such as
· To joint Muscles, injuries, tendon, and ligament
· it is also used for osteoarthritis
· for the surgical healing process
· Hair loss
Is There Any Risk and Side Effects at PRP Treatment?
The treatment usually does not have the extreme side effects which are because the injections of PRP are filled with your own blood so, the chance of allergic is very minimum or almost zero. But you should eat and drink well before PRP treatment because the treatment involves the drawn of your blood which will make you feel faint. Some of the common side effects are
· Tissue damage
· Nerve Injuries
· Bleeding
· Nerve injuries
But before you should consult with your health advisor as the treatment is not clearly approved by the FDA which if the doctor suggests that the PRP is in the interest of your health than you can go with it otherwise first you should see your doctor.
How long is procedure of treatment or how many sittings will take for PRP treatment?
It takes 2 years it means at the beginning of the treatment you will have PRP injections every month for three months and its required repeated session in every 3 to 4 months which go up to 2 years.
The result of PRP treatment for hair growth you can see approximately after 6 months of the treatment. PRP treatment is a successful treatment for hair growth.
Who should not take PRP Treatment if you are suffering from the following diseases.
· Severe Liver diseases
· Cancer
· Skin diseases
· Thyroid
· Platelet dysfunction syndromes
· Systematic disorder
· You can also not take PRP if you are
· Addict of alcohol or drug addict
· Heavy smoker
Read more: PRP Calabasas
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