Dermal Fillers in Calabasas are FDA-approved injections that are filled with a substance that is injected into a hollow area of the skin. As we age, the natural hyaluronic substance inside the skin is lost, and the area of the skin where the hyaluronic is lost becomes hollow, causing wrinkles on that part of the face. Dermal fillers are made up of a variety of substances.

   Calcium Hydroxyapatite 

         Hyaluronic acid

         Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA)

Dermal fillers are the safe to hide the wrinkles on the face but have some minimum side effects. The common side effects of the fillers are

o   Swelling or Pain

o   Itching 

o   The redness on the injected area 

o   Brushing 

o   Numbness

Dermal fillers are the safe to hide the wrinkles on the face but have some minimum side effects. The common side effects of the fillers are

o   Swelling or Pain

o   Itching 

o   The redness on the injected area 

o   Brushing 

o   Numbness

These are the common side effects of the dermal fillers that will last for a few hours or maybe one day but if it will go longer then you must see the doctor before getting into any dangerous situation. There are some precautions before injecting the fillers such as

Avoid blood-thinning medication

Avoid smoking

Avoid the use of Alcohol

And discuss the fillers with your family care doctor because your family doctor knows your medical condition and allergies and if your doctor is not allowed then don’t take any fillers.

Dermal Fillers for Undereye:

The fillers can be used anywhere on the face to hide the wrinkles but this is not a permanent solution for your wrinkles but follow up of the fillers can give notable results. Dermal fillers are a non-surgical cosmetic treatment and after the treatment, you can do your normal tasks. 

What is the procedure for Undereye dermal fillers?

o   First the filler expert is mark the area where the filler will be injected.

o   The next step is sterilizing the area which has been marked.

o   The small needle is used to inject the dermal fillers

o   There may be one or more than that injections will be injected under each eye until the linear threading is done and then tunnel of filler has injected the site with slowly withdrawn of the needle.

o   At the last the experts suggest applying the ice pack under the eyes.

What results will you get just after getting the treatment? 

There are the best results and noticeable results for the treatments of tear troughs and physical beneath under the eyes but the derail and any other fillers do not work for the pigmentation, dark circles, and sunburn wrinkles.   
